A sophisticated process explained in detail
Our Methodology
In his book ‘The Act!Affinity Process’ author Andreas Duerst describes this methodology explicitly.
It matters to us that the act affinity process has grown out of practical experience and has still proved itself to date.
Striving for the goal
We start by getting the project sponsor’s assignment in which his strategic intent and, above all, the strategic framework for strategic planning is decided on. This phase of assignment leads into his first go/no go decision.
During the phase of strategic development we analyse the as-is situation in his company together with the management team, visions are being developed and determination of goals derived from them. After the project sponsor has positively decided on go/no go the strategies will be implemented.
Uniting planning and implementation
As the act affinity process intends, responsibility for planning and implementing strategic change is taken by the project team which is in charge of the program manager. It consists of the company’s key staff affected by the change process.
If we are assigned responsibility for the planning and implementing of strategies we are ready to take over the program management. So the company’s decision-makers are involved in planning and implementing strategic change. This approach offers good prospects to work out necessary changes near the company’s actual needs and implementing them quickly and for good.
Integrating collective intelligence
Dynamics of this process of understanding lead to a certain point when there is an incredible sense of ability: ‘We can get everything done!’ The ripples of collective intelligence spread fast providing the team with authority and gathering considerable momentum for change.
Turning affected employees into multiplicators
But in the end strategic change can’t be ordered and can only be adapted by the employees concerned out of profound conviction.
Controlling the act affinity process
The project sponsor defines the strategic intent, determining the framework of the change process. His go/no go decisions set the course of working out strategies and implementing them so that in every phase of the change process it is his to say ‘Go on’ or ‘Stop’.
The act affinity process will bring about fundamental changes, very likely causing resistance within the company. For this reason, the project sponsor should not leave any doubt about the inevitability of the strategic change.